Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Information and Contacts

Latest News

This section of the WBL 2.0 portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Project Management - Project Results

The section presents the complete list of project results.
It is intended to guide the National Agency, the assessor and the contractual partners in exploring all the project results.

The results produced by the WBL 2.0 project are:

IO1 – Repository of E-learning Video Lessons and Interviews

Video Interviews
A collection of video interviews to company managers and communication experts, to provide VET students a better understanding of companies’ expectations according to a Work Based Learning approach. The video lessons are organized in thematic areas so as to be used by VET trainers to enrich their classroom activities with specific knowledge, competences and skills coming directly from the labour market.

Video Testimonials
A collection of testimonials of entrepreneurs and employees focusing on their career and on the skills that they look for when selecting human resources. . These videos will support VET students’ motivation as they aim to underline the consistency between their educational pathway and the needs of the labour market.

Case Scenarios
To further enhance the impact of the Work Based Learning methodologies, the case scenarios are associated to the Video interviews and Video Testimonials. Starting from the Video the trainer can make use of the learning object to challenging students with practical activities to consolidate their specific knowledge, competences and skills.
Supplementary Result 1 - Guidelines for the organisation of international placement
Project partners produced five Guidelines for the organisation of international placement

Students - The guidelines provide VET students with specific suggestions on how to make their internship experience more effective and useful for their future career.

VET Institution - The guidelines provide VET schools directors and administrative staff with suggestion on how to implement Work Based Learning methodologies and make use of funding opportunities to enhance the international dimension of internships

VET trainers - The guidelines provide VET trainers with a set of useful references and operative solutions to improve the effectiveness of internship experiences of their pupils.

Companies - The guidelines provide companies entrepreneurs and human resources managers with specific suggestion on how to improve the quality and effectiveness of their cooperation with VET schools for the organisation and hosting of national and international internships.

Policy Makers - The guideline provide policy makers with specific suggestion on how to facilitate the cooperation of VET system and job market operators in order to spread Work Based Learning methodologies and enhance the transnational dimension of internships.
Supplementary result 2 - Virtual Platform
Internship Platform
From this section it is possible to access to a database of profiles of companies and students interested in being involved in transnational and virtual internships.

Tools for Internships' Management
Set of tools with which the VET providers can cooperate with the companies in order to monitor trainees’ experiences and assess and validate their knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the internship.

Multiplier Events

A total number of 5 multiplier events have been organized. All the intellectual outputs were presented and discussed during the multiplier events and this allowed the project partners to collect an important feedback from the representatives of the target groups in order to adapt and develop the project results according to their needs.
More than 300 signatures were collected from the participants. This large number of participants, together with the direct involvement of teachers in the testing of the intellectual outputs and also the active involvement of the associated partners highly contributed to the dissemination and sustainability of the project.

The complete information related to the multiplier event is available within the Conference Section

Project Management

Coordination of Activities


Kick off Meeting - Florence - Italy (January 2017)
Second Meeting - Dundee - UK (July 2017) Third Meeting - Kilkis - Greece (March 2018) Fourth Meeting - Valencia - Spain (October 2018) Financial Manual
The guidelines contain a description of the financial rules as well as templates for the accounting of project costs, models and examples.

In progress Activities Reports
The activities reports are produced on a three monthly basis by the project partners and directly uploaded on the project web site.

Project web site
The management section of the project portal has been created in order to support the partners with the project management.
Quality and Monitoring Plan
Quality Plan
The quality plan identifies for each phase and transversal activity the relevant milestones and indicators of performances.
Three issues of the quality plans are produced during the project life cycles: Transnational Evaluation report
The Transnational Evaluation report is produced for the final report and contains a detailed description and analysis of the project activities carried out and the project results achieved by the project partnership.

Dissemination Report
The dissemination report is produced for final report and contains a detailed description and analysis of the dissemination activities carried out by the project partnership.

Dissemination Section
It contains the electronic dissemination forms filled by the project partners for every dissemination event carried out.

Promotional Material
Information brochures translated in the project languages.

Exploitation Report
The exploitation report is produced for the final report and contains a detailed description and analysis of the exploitation activities carried out by the project partnership.

Project Network
Project partners worked constantly to broaden the project network that is now composed by: Involvement of key actors
As a result of the exploitation activity a number of associated partners officially joined the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project impact on their target groups and to ensure the project sustainability by continuing using the project deliverables in the next years.

Press Review
In order to enhance the project impact and sustainability project partners institutions contacted Newspapers, Online magazines and Portals to publish articles and activate exchange links promoting the visibility of the WBL 2.0 Portal.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.