Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Information and Contacts

Latest News

This section of the WBL 2.0 portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Tools for Internships' Management

Set of tools with which the VET providers can cooperate with the companies in order to monitor trainees’ experiences and assess and validate their knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the internship.



Surveymonkey is an online tool that makes it easy to develop questionnaires and surveys. For the purpose of assessment, a survey can be created for the Company representative to complete based on the performance of the student during the internship.


SurveyMonkey is one of the key online survey and questionnaire tools available .With a free level, it allows VET Organizations to develop questions for the company that can assist with the assessment of the student both during and after their internship.

The platform contains numerous ways of asking for feedback including multiple choice, checkboxes, dropdown boxes, star ratings, matrix and rating scales, sliders and ranking choices. Answers can be supplemented with comment boxes for more detailed feedback.

Key Strengths:

  • Once created, the same survey can be utilized in many different use cases
  • Various methods of feedback acquisition provide many options for specific questions and assessment requirements
  • The tool can also be used with the student for quizzes to gain feedback on learning during the internship
  • Well-known brand and free to a point

Key Weaknesses:

  • Taking feedback via internet form is not going to be as good as via face to face discussion with no real opportunity for follow-up questions based on response (although this tool can act as a baseline prior to face-to-face discussion)


To be used by
Student, VET Organisation, Company
Assessment Tool
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.